Investment Portfolio
Our advisors can help you navigate your options by designing an investment portfolio that can fulfill both your short and long term goals.
Today’s investment market can be overwhelming with the endless investment options. Our advisors can help you navigate those options by designing an investment portfolio that will meet both your short and long term goals.
Trust in Long Lake Insurance to help you out. We are always willing to answer any questions that you may have and will look over your goals personally to see what we can do to help you out.
What Do You Get
An Investment Portfolio That Meets Your Needs
An RRSP is a great way to save for your future. They allow your money to grow on a tax-deferred basis while taking advantage of an immediate tax reduction. Start saving with an RRSP today. Call us to book an appointment.
A post-secondary education can be expensive so investing in your child’s future early is a perfect way to manage those expenses. RESPs offer an effective, flexible savings plan. Give us a call so we can help you find a way to contribute to an RESP without jeopardizing retirement planning and daily cash flow.
Segregated Funds
This kind of investment allows you to save for your future outside of a registered retirement fund. It allows you to take advantage of rising markets while offering guarantees against possible market downturns at maturity and in the event of death. It is managed by experienced portfolio managers and include an asset mix that suits all investor profiles. They also help protect your savings from potential creditors depending on the province of residence.
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Why Long Lake Insurance?
Long Lake Insurance has been in the business since 1996 and is confident that it can provide you with the financial advice that you need in order to meet your goals as seamlessly as possible. Trust in our experts here at Long Lake Insurance to get you what you need.
Our professional advisors can sit down with you and look over what it is that you need in order to meet your goals. Book an appointment with us today so that we can sit down with you and look over your personal circumstances and goals to make a plan ASAP.
If you have questions, we have answers. Trust in Long Lake Insurance to get you what you need to help meet your goals.

What We Value
Your Goals
Everyone’s goals – both short and long term – are very particular to the individual. Look to Long Lake Insurance to help you with yours.
Your Future
Financial planning is a huge part of your future. Trust in our professionals to help you set up your investments for years to come.
Your Lifestyle
Your goals and your lifestyle are individual to you and what you want to do. At Long Lake Insurance, we understand the lifestyle that our prairie province neighbours live.
Your Peace of Mind
Investments can be stressful and take up a lot of your valuable time. Trust in our expert advisors to alleviate some of that weight.
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Long Lake Insurance Has Your Back
Long Lake Insurance is confident that we can meet your investment needs as a grass-roots broker that is fully embedded in its community and can help you get to your goals with our financial advice. With our professional advice, we can help you save for your future and manage your expenses for years to come.
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As your community broker, we can cover all your insurance needs. Contact us today!